Untethered with Jen Liss

The secret power of your hormones, energetics, and self-healing - with Poornima Vamsi

Jen Liss / Poornima Vamsi Season 1 Episode 234

What was the pivotal moment that led you down a journey of self-healing?

In today's episode, I dive into my own personal health and healing journey with Poornima Vamsi, who shares her own. Together, we unravel insights on the often-neglected impact of hormonal imbalances and energetics on women's health.

Poornima came to her own expertise in healing when two unrelated, but huge events rocked her world
1. Her hair started falling out in clumps
2. Her mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer (and she lived halfway across the world)

When "traditional" medicine gave no answers or hope, Poornima set out on a quest to heal herself and and mother.  (Spoiler alert: She did it!)

In this conversation, we discuss the power of listening to ourselves, exploring "untethered" healing modalities, and aligning with our body's natural rhythms through reflective practices such as journaling and breathwork. All of this as Poornima explains the role energetics and our hormones physically impact the body and our health.

The conversation unfurls the potential of holistic healing in nurturing not just the body, but the soul too. We go into the tough choices women face when balancing personal aspirations with familial obligations, and explore the cultural conditioning of women as natural caregivers and the cascading benefits of self-care on our families' health.

I have struggled with Thyroid for 5 years, taking every single day medicine on empty stomach and then waiting for 30 mins to eat/drink something. I have also gone through post-partum depression, ankylosing spondylitis, plantar fasciitis - taken steroids to reduce pain and was frustrated living a life where I also weighed 90kgs/188 pounds.

I knew there had to be a way out. My turning point majorly was when my mum was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer overnight and was bed ridden. It is then that I researched, studied, certified and implemented my learnings to reverse my hormonal imbalances which allowed me to go off Thyroid medication, stopped taking steroids, reversed ankylosing spondylitis and plantar fasciitis and dropped a whopping 30kgs. It is mission that 'every woman deserves to live life medication free so that she can do more for herself and her loved ones'

LI: Poornima Vamsi
IG: @poornimahormonecoach 
FB: facebook.com/poornima.peri
Website: https://poornimavamsi.com/  

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Music created and produced by Matt Bollenbach

Speaker 1:

Hi and welcome to Untethered with JennLis, the podcast that's here to help you break free, be you and unleash your inner brilliance. I'm your host, jenn, and in this episode we're going to talk about how to use the power of your own hormones and energetic field to heal yourself and live your dream life. Let's dive in. Hey there, unicorn, it's Jen. Welcome back to the podcast.

Speaker 1:

In today's episode, purnima Bamsi is here to talk to us about something very close to my heart, something very close to my heart healing yourself using unconventional methods, untethered methods of healing yourself. She has an incredible story, an incredible journey that she's been on, not only with her own health, but with her mom's health, and I know you're going to be so inspired. I got goosebumps in this conversation with her. I got full body goosebumps three times, three times. Such a powerful talk and what she shares.

Speaker 1:

It will really connect the dots, I think, for some of us in terms of our health and our wellness and our mindset and the life that we're truly trying to create for ourselves, and how to use the practices that we've been learning, like journaling and breathwork and meditation and play, going outside, being in nature, eating foods that are supportive to us. All of that. She really brings that into the coaching that she does and she has this really well-rounded perspective about it that I think you will deeply appreciate. I start the conversation by sharing my own story and really she helped me to see a thread that I hadn't previously seen in terms of the thyroid connection that I was seeing with some of my clients and how that actually ended up being such a catalyst for my own growth and my own decisions to leave my hairstyling practice. So, without further ado, I welcome to the podcast Purnima. Hi there.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Thank you so much, jen. It's wonderful, it's an honor and I feel wonderful to be part of this podcast, where I can share everything that the audiences are so keenly wanting to hear. Yeah, let's get started.

Speaker 1:

I've already had such a warm conversation with you that I just know this is going to be such a great and really helpful conversation. That seems like just the kind of person who you are. So I would love to kick it off with a personal story, because I think you'll have some things to bounce off of this for the audience, and some people in the audience could be this person. So I used to do hair. I was a hairstylist for many years. For over a decade, I did hair and I started doing hair in my 20s and I would have women coming in.

Speaker 1:

I had a lot of clients who were in their 30s or approaching 40. Or even in their late 20s, going into their 30s. All of a sudden, their hair is falling out. All of a sudden they're gaining weight. All of a sudden, all of these physical things are happening. And All of these physical things are happening and after years and years of it, I would recognize the signs. I would tell them hey, something's going on with your hair. That is not normal. Really think you should go to the doctor. I would send them to their doctor and so many times, time and time again, they would be diagnosed with thyroid All over and, over and over, diagnosed with thyroid.

Speaker 1:

But the hardest thing was watching the suffering that these women were going through our hair falling out, the weight gain that they're experiencing, the hit to the self-esteem, like all of these things. It would be so hard to, you know, stand there and listen to these, have these conversations with these women who were struggling with these things, and they would find, you know, some support in the medications and, you know, a lot of times the hair would come back, but they would still sometimes be struggling with the after effects. And this went on for years until it happened to me. It happened to me. I became that same story that I was experiencing with so many of my clients. I went to the doctor yeah, I had the hair loss, I had all these things happening and I was diagnosed with thyroid disease.

Speaker 1:

And so I became that story and it was at that time that I realized that the way that I was working and the things that I was doing were not fully in alignment for me. I was burning myself out, I was working too hard, all of these things were happening that were culminating at the same time and eventually I dropped that career, I left that practice, I went back to school and I did something completely different until I found myself burnt out again and feeling a lot of those same feelings and my hair starts falling out and all the things started happening to me again. I share this to tee up, because what you help people with is a lot of this exact situation. So where did you come to be passionate about supporting people with this exact scenario that I am sharing here, or some way of the scenario, some story within this?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sure, yeah, sure. Thanks, Jen. I'm smiling through everything that you said because at one point in time, I believe every woman would resonate with this, especially with the hair. So I'm going to break up our conversation in such a way where I start with what triggered me first, so that's where I will start, and then we'll go on to say how I was shedding 300 hair per day, how alarming it was. I literally counted them in chunks of 50. I counted them in chunks of 50. I counted them in chunks of 50, kept them, took a picture and that was, oh my God, that was horrifying, I think lack of better word. Horrifying is what I would say.

Speaker 1:

It gives me chills. It's so painful.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it is. So my trigger in particular was first when I was pregnant with my second child and then I got diagnosed with thyroid. So when I got diagnosed with thyroid, everyone who has got diagnosed with thyroid obviously knows that you're expected to take one pill every single day early in the morning, empty stomach, not eat anything for next 30 minutes and then start your day. So the moment I got diagnosed with thyroid, and since it was when I had conceived, I had no choice, but I was put on very high dosage of medication. So what my gynec told me back in India, what my gynec told me was she said if you have to retain the fetus, then you have to take the medication. Otherwise it's difficult for you to retain the fetus. I said, all right, if that is what it is, let's go with it.

Speaker 2:

I was not very happy because I have never been a person who wanted medication to drive her life right. I was in my early 30s with my second pregnancy. So at that point in time, because I had no choice, I started the medication. I took it for full nine months, enjoyed my pregnancy, delivered a beautiful baby weighing four kgs, and that's when I thought all right, now that the pregnancy is done, my thyroid would be normal. Let me stop taking the medication. So I stopped the medication, not realizing that pregnancy and post-pregnancy comes with its own hormonal changes and imbalances, and it actually put me into postpartum depression. So with the postpartum depression anxiety, not knowing why I'm crying, unwanted anger, losing connection with my second child I'm very open and I'll admit this.

Speaker 2:

At one point in time it was one evening where my second child was crying unconsolably and I did not know what to do with him. So I felt so helpless that I thought I would actually harm him and I left him on the couch and went inside because I didn't want to do anything with the child. That's how uncontrollable my emotions were. But thank God I was able to have that control on myself, that someone else picked him up and they cared for him for a while, and I felt so guilty after that as to what is it that I was running in my mind. So that's how hormones play a role in a woman's body and I did not realize any of these at that point in time. So I had to do a round off test. My thyroid numbers were very high and I had to go back on medication and I was told once on thyroid pills, always on thyroid pills, you cannot come off the medication.

Speaker 2:

That's the message. So, okay, that's the message. Then I checked with tens of hundreds of women who were taking thyroid for years. I consulted different doctors to ask if there is something that we could do, and there was always this quest of how can I go off this medication, what can I do to help myself? So that seed was sown in me and the way I was approaching was reaching out to people and 100 out of 100 people told me once on thyroid pills, always on it. I was so frustrated listening to it I thought, all right, I'll find my way out of it. But now the priority is to focus on my mental well-being, on my postpartum depression. So that's one story.

Speaker 2:

The second one, which triggered the actual part, was when my mom got diagnosed with stage four cancer overnight. I call it overnight because she's educated, she got her tests done regularly and she was healthy at that point in time and she was conscious of what she was eating not a junk eater, always home-cooked food. So such a person. When, overnight, she got diagnosed with stage four cancer. That was actually when I moved. We relocated to Australia and I found my first job. I was about to join my first job on the 15th of January 2019. And I flew the same day back to India to be with mom to support her as she was bedridden the same day back to India to be with mom to support her as she was bedridden. So that was.

Speaker 2:

I think that was the ultimate trigger for me to ask myself if a mom, if a woman any woman, for that matter now it's my mom here has always cared for her health, her family's health and well-being has been good with exercises, then what is it that has triggered her to get a stage four cancer diagnosis? And when I dived deep as I spoke to her oncologist, we did second opinion, we got several things done. What I realized was there are things which are beyond just a diet and beyond just exercise. And that is where, when I went back years back with how we were raised by my mom, I realized for years together, she had slept at 12 in the night and woke up at four because she had to travel up and down 360 kilometers difficult for me to say in miles, as I'm used to in kilometers Every single day, 360 kilometers. She had to travel up and down for her job so that she could be still with us, take care of us and then be able to do her job. She did that for one and a half year and one day collapsed at her workplace.

Speaker 2:

So that's the level of this is one of the examples that flashed through my mind when I was thinking of all that mom went through my mind when I was thinking of all that mom went through. So the kind of burnout that mom has had all through our childhood was unimaginable. And when I read because I had time to read to understand as I was supporting mom with her health situation I realized more and more that diet and exercises play a role, but only to a smaller extent. What plays more of a role is what we go through on a day-to-day basis, how we treat ourselves on a day-to-day basis, the burnout that we are experiencing, the adrenal stress that we go through, the cortisol hormones that get released because of all of this, or the social conditioning that we are put into. All of these plays a major role. And that is my trigger to understand what is it that I can do to support mom, to reverse her stage four cancer and to reverse my own thyroid?

Speaker 1:

I cannot imagine having having just moved to Australia and having that news. You've got two young children too right. Young young children. At that point you've just moved your family Like. That version of you is so freaking strong. I just have to celebrate her and also that you made that decision to go there and be with you. I just get emotional about it. That speaks a lot to who you are, that you went and you did that and you dug in and you did the research and that you have a huge caring heart.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much, jen. I think I am what I am because of my mom and now because of my husband, so both of them have made me the person who I am today, and it's not even giving back. I consider it as my responsibility as a daughter, as a wife, to be able to do everything that I can for them. So, yes, it was a hard call for me to leave the first job, but I knew there was nothing more than my mom's health at that point in time. So I took that decision and the six months was not easy for me. That I stayed over there because I had a lot of masculine energy in me in terms of shouldering things and doing a lot for my mom, and after that it led to my burnout too, but at that point in time it was a focus for me to bring mom back to what she usually is person, always taking care of the entire family, doing things for herself, working and being by herself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, through all of that, what did you learn for yourself? What did you learn for women everywhere? What are the key things that you have taken from all of the research and all of the learning? I'm guessing you've probably done quite a bit of experimentation yourself. What have you learned?

Speaker 2:

what have you learned? Yes, so one. If I can, I can talk about books, I can talk about the certifications that I have done, but what I want to talk about is the practical experiences that I have seen in my life and in mom's life. So what I think is every, no matter which culture we come from, no matter what our upbringing is, where we are raised, how we are raised, I think one thing that is common with women is a lot of us have been emphasized of how important it is to give all of ourselves to others than to us. So a lot of social conditioning is also involved in it, of how a woman, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a wife, should be for the rest of the family, rest of the world, friends, etc. Than to herself. And that's something I noticed common between mom and me too. I told you earlier how she has raised us beautifully, traveling probably 500 miles every single day, day and night. She has done that for one and a half year now because she wanted to be with her children, because she wanted to raise us in a way that she thought was right, and now, in the quest of doing it, she has not. She has probably never, ever given herself the opportunity of understanding. What is it that I truly want to do? How do I want to live my life taking time for herself every single day, thinking about her mental well-being? None of that was considered for her. Likewise for me, through the years that I was with my husband's family, for him, for me.

Speaker 2:

I'm also a kind of woman or I was a kind of woman who has always gone out and done for family and friends and have put myself last. So what am I telling myself? Energetically that I don't care about me. It's okay for me to be where I am, but others are my priority Now our bodies and our bodies. I talk a lot about inner child. We will touch about it as we continue in this conversation. There is this one inner child sitting in each one of us, and when you keep ignoring it consider it as my now seven-year-old If I keep ignoring the child again and again, again and again, the child will be upset, the child will be aloof. At one point in time, the child will be totally disconnected from what the entire world is. That's what is happening within each individual, within each woman too, within me, within mom. So I have disconnected completely from my inner child, and then everything that I was doing was for others.

Speaker 2:

So, during my research, understanding, certifications and implementing, when I tapped into myself to understand what is it that I truly want, closing my eyes and thinking, I can still recall that day when I could see a child sitting in one corner and crying, sobbing and thinking, oh my God, finally I get to be cared, finally I get to be heard. And that was my moment of oh, my goodness, when was the last time, poor Neema, that you thought about yourself? And that's when I decided to prioritize myself. And if that meant saying no to things, it was so. And if that meant taking every day 30 to 45 minutes for myself, so be it. And if that meant that I had to disconnect from kind of toxic relationships and social happenings and culture, so be it. So I had to put myself first and that brought in a lot, lot, lot of changes, not just in me, but it reflected in my entire family.

Speaker 1:

Oh beautiful that it ripples outward, that one action that you do for yourself. And we feel like we have to be, like you said, women. We feel like we have the weight of the world on our shoulders and in fact, as we're recording this, I just had a conversation with my husband. Like, well, I feel like I didn't do this, I didn't do that, I didn't do this for family members, and he's like whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Speaker 1:

What I want you to do is, after this podcast interview that you have, he said I want you to enjoy the heck out of it, and I already am, so this is exciting. And then he said go for a walk, go take your just luxurious walk by yourself. And so he knows because I have shown that when I prioritize myself, I feel so good. And then he feels so good and it's better for him if I do that. So that's what they start to see. And now he's gotten to the point where he is a reinforcement for me. So, reflecting back what you're saying, it's better for your family and your family starts to actually see that it's better that depleting you and always needing you is actually not the best way for them to be fulfilled either. Does that feel reflective of your experience?

Speaker 2:

absolutely hundred and two hundred percent agree. Two hundred percent agree to it. When I'm talking about, uh, how it reflects my kids, they feel when the when I'm happy, when I'm content, they feel, oh, mom's mood is so good, let's talk about things, let's share things. And how I respond to it differs versus I react to situations if I'm not in best of my space, the best example being, just before my cycle, there are mood swings that happen and my entire family goes on a silent mood. Okay, mom's not really feeling good, let's all zip our mouth, because then I react to situations than responding, and there is a huge difference when you respond and you react. So it's an absolute reflection on the entire family, on your circle, on how you do things as well. Jen. It's about how you look at things, how you perceive things and how you accomplish them too. There's a difference in that as well. So I totally agree with what you said.

Speaker 1:

Teaching self-care through example, because we're not perfect as human beings. We're going to have that pre-cycle moment. We're going to have the moment that I had today. It happens, and when we're reinforcing one another and when you lead by that self-love example, it really makes such a difference. Okay, what happened next? You got to the point of recognizing the inner child. You got to the point of recognizing that you can be doing more to support yourself. What happened with your health? What happened with your mom's health? Just share the story here.

Speaker 2:

Oh, of course I would love to so with my mom. She gave herself completely to me and that's such a huge blessing, I think, because I mean, it's difficult for people to trust someone, no matter it's your immediate family, they themselves are going through so much. Being diagnosed with stage four cancer is no joke. I still remember the day of diagnosis, jan 9th. I traveled on the 15th, but 9th Jan it was my elder son's seventh birthday, so that's the day when it was diagnosed and I cried inconsolably on that day. It was not expected at all, nowhere. Not that anybody expects cancer, but with her lifestyle it was not something because there was nothing in the family, there was nothing from the genes, nothing nowhere in the entire family. So it was shocking, horrifying, lack of better words. You know, the worst day of my life so far is what I would call it, but probably also the best beautiful day of my life, because I am what I am today, because I have learned from those days and those months, that which put me through the sale of the journey that I went through. So when that happened, the moment I started working, I started understanding working, realizing what it is that we can do with the inner child, etc. With mom, as she trusted me, we put her yes, we put her into oncology medications. That is obviously needed. So I will never, ever say that do not get into medication. It is needed. It will start to work on your body. But what is more needed is to understand what is it from within that you can work on yourself. So we also put her into practices. Meditation is an umbrella that you can call it as, but there were different journeys of consciousness that we put her through, that which she lovingly embraced, and there were mantras, there were prayers, that which she was ready to embrace and follow and that actually started to show positive results. She by herself is an extremely highly will-powered woman. But, that said, all the positive mantras, the aura we created at home, the own chanting itself, runs continuously in our house, at mom's house, 24 hours, because it creates that vibration which puts you in a positive aura. So those were the ways that mom did for herself.

Speaker 2:

Coming to me, me, I can speak more of myself practically. So what I started to do was I did certifications, especially neuro language patterns, energetic breakthrough method, to understand what it is that I was going through. If I had to support someone, I need to know what I'm going through. Only then will I be able to reflect that on someone. We spoke about it. So when I certified myself and started to work, I actually realized the root cause for my thyroid. So it took me five years nonetheless, but I realized what's the root cause for my thyroid.

Speaker 2:

It was not my second pregnancy. My second pregnancy, the blood test was the outcome that I was diagnosed with thyroid. The actual reason was what I was going through just before my pregnancy, which was a couple of things. One, I was diagnosed with thyroid. The actual reason was what I was going through just before my pregnancy, which was a couple of things. One, I was preparing for my project management professional certification. It's called PMP certification. I was preparing for it, which is considered to be a very difficult certification. Two, I had a two and a half year old at that point in time to care for and our house was being renovated completely.

Speaker 2:

Three, and the most important thing, there was a HR case running in my ex-organization where I was working in India. There was there were some issues between me and my colleague and there was a HR case that was raised. So there was a lot of trials that was going on, a lot of questioning, a lot of adrenal stress that I was put into with all the questioning and the supporting information that I had to provide to prove my point. So you see how, one thing after the other, all the three things in my life had put me under severe adrenal stress. Stress Now inside the body.

Speaker 2:

What happens when you go through this is the cortisol hormones triggers 10 times, 1000 times, and it says, oh, you're in danger zone, let me protect you. So when that happens, everything else your estrogen, progesterone, your testosterone, dopamine, all other hormones settles down. It sits down totally, only having the cortisol. Literally it's an umbrella of cortisol hormones, with all other hormones not being visible at all. So while it is good to protect us from dangers, continuous adrenal stress allows the endocrinal system to be triggered, allows the womb to be triggered, allows every other outcome, which is the disease that we see in our body, to be triggered inside the body. Now, for me, because I could not voice my thought out to the extent that I wanted, my thyroid gland had got triggered and that trigger is what got shown as numbers when the blood test was done. So when I realized that one day and I worked on letting go those emotions through the practices, through the modalities that I have learned through the years. In 21 days I came off the thyroid medication.

Speaker 1:

That's amazing.

Speaker 2:

And that also allowed me to drop. I had started to drop weight but I was stuck between again in kilos is what I will speak. I know you're from US, which means you're talking pounds and LBs, so probably 136, not 136, 60 plus. Yeah, 140, 160 pounds is where I was stuck for a very long time. But then, when I worked on releasing these emotions, in probably six to seven weeks I dropped approximately 12, 13 pounds.

Speaker 2:

That's the power of how emotions in our body allow us to gain weight, keeps that weight held in the body, triggers those endocrinal womb and lets the blood test show that these are the diseases that we are carrying.

Speaker 1:

This is so powerful and I hope it really lands with everyone the conversation about cortisol, your endocrine system stress. Fortunately, there's a lot more knowledge and a lot more people talking about this and that you are empowered. You can be empowered to do something about this, and that's the ultimate message that you're sharing here is that you healed yourself and there are ways that you can do that, and that's what you help people to do now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not just thyroid, jen. So thyroid, yes, was my major thing. I was also having autoimmune disease, ankylosing spondylitis Again autoimmune disease. It's their own immunity fighting and when there is no particular reason, it's called as autoimmune disease. So I healed autoimmune disease.

Speaker 2:

I came off postpartum depression and the six months support that I provided my mom. I was so much into it that when I came back to Australia in July 2019, by then mom started walking, mom started doing things by herself. So when I came back in July 2019, I had actually fallen. I was actually would have been clinically diagnosed as depressed, if I that's the place. I was again over there. This time it was not postpartum, but because it was during the post-traumatic stress that I was carrying.

Speaker 2:

So then I had to work on myself. I had to allow myself to be involved into hobbies that I was so wanting to do for years together but could not. Baking was one such thing thing. So I started baking for myself, for my family, and then I loved walking in nature, like your husband just mentioned. Take that beautiful walk. Connecting with nature has immense power, immense. So I started walking for my yoga and pilates. Three kilometers, again, miles, yeah, seven to eight miles every single day, up and down. So that's how I started to do things for myself and it put me in a space where I started to love who I was. I was like, okay, I am doing things for myself, I am taking time out for myself.

Speaker 2:

Otherwise, it was a situation where I and my husband were having regular fights lack of of better word and I could not comprehend why are we arguing, especially being known as a couple, as an ideal couple for several other couples? So I was reflecting what I was carrying. We spoke about that too. So when I took that time for myself, to continue my hobby, to do things for myself, to connect with nature oh, it's not just thyroid, thyroid ankylosing spondylitis dropping close to overall, close to 80 pounds, to what I was carrying in my body as weight, fat, emotions All of that is something are the benefits that I realized, and that's when I decided that if I can do this, why not spread this awareness to the globe?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's so needed. One of the things that you mentioned around autoimmune diseases there's so many people with autoimmune diseases and what we hear from our doctors is, well, there's no cure. Here's what you can do to treat it. We don't really know why it because of it and they're just like. We have no idea what causes this. But what we're finding and what you're sharing is that we do know what causes it. It's us hanging on to emotions and these thought patterns and all of those things.

Speaker 1:

So if somebody is listening to this podcast and we could be in any of the camps we could be in I've got an autoimmune disease, I have thyroid disease, I have something else or they could be in the camp of. I've been trying to keep myself so healthy, I live healthy, I eat healthy, I care for myself, I do all of the things that I'm trying to do and still, look what happened to her mom. What are the things that we can be doing now to support ourselves? You mentioned going outside in nature. Are there other things, and what are the categories of things that we could be doing outside in nature? Are there other?

Speaker 2:

things and kind of, what are the categories of things that we could be doing? Yes, so first thing that I always tell every woman that I meet whom I coach later on is to understand the root cause of why we have come to this place. So be it. You with your thyroid. Probably you might want to tap back into the time when you were first diagnosed with thyroid. What is it that you are going through at that point in time in your life? I know women who have come to me who have been taking thyroid medication for a decade, two decades, so it might be a little difficult. But then when we tap into that time, say the girl, she was a 12 year old girl when she was first diagnosed with thyroid. And then when I ask her what was happening in your social circle, what was happening in your family? How was your studies going on? They come out and speak about how they were bullied in school for how they looked. They come out and speak about the expectations the family had with respect to their education. They speak about how they had a low self-esteem immediately after their menstrual cycle and not knowing what to do things back then. So it's very important for a woman to understand what triggered at first, because healing only happens when we know what the root cause is, while, again, external things like the nature beautifully supports, no doubt, connecting with the nature should come from a space of why I want to connect right and why I want to connect will come from a space of why I want to connect right and why I want to connect will come from the space of, oh, this is my root cause. These are the things that have happened. I want to release these, so let's work on doing that now. So that is what I would say is very important. For every single woman, so every person who comes to us, I do a 30 minutes free exploratory call where my only intention is for them to understand that this is your root cause. I want the woman to leave the call, no matter she gets into the program that we offer or not. Honestly, I don't care, because I have done I've supported so many women now that I leave it to them to decide what it is that they want to do for their health and if they walk away from the call knowing that, okay, I finally know that this is my root cause. That gives me a lot more satisfaction than thinking that they should be into the program and I should support them. I would love to do that if they are open and ready for it. So that is the first thing.

Speaker 2:

Now, once you know what it is, there are several people talking these days about letting go emotions, doing things not because the other person has done something to you, because of what you have experienced through it. How about forgiving things, letting go of these emotions? For them, the Ho'oponopono prayer. I don't know if you have heard about it. Them, the hopopono prayer. I don't know if you have heard about it. Hopopono prayer. So it's four beautiful words that as a prayer that comes. Youtube has many variations of it that women can look at. So it talks about uh, please forgive me. Uh, thank you, I love you. There's one more. It's just not dropping, yeah. So these are the four words that you continuously use for the person whom you would want to forgive now. Forgive them not because what they said. Forgive them because you are holding those emotions with respect to that person. So that's something that I follow regularly as well, and it does wonderful things to me. I can feel that stress going out of my body every single time I do it, so that's something I would strongly vouch for.

Speaker 2:

Third, journaling is something that supports women or anybody for that matter in so many ways. There are thousands and billions of thoughts that keep running over here. How about writing it down? How about sharing what it? When I say sharing, sharing with yourself, you don't have to give it to anyone else. Put it in your book. I usually call mine as poor nima's brain drain. You can call it the way that you want, so drain things out and write it down. What is it that's causing you to be in your current state of health? How do you feel about things? Sometimes you can just start off with I don't know why I'm feeling this way. I just can't write anything. These are all the things, as well, that you can put on pen and paper. And as you put on pen and paper, you would be guided with thoughts of ah, this is what is triggering me, or this is what has happened.

Speaker 2:

So I'll give you a small example of one of the incidents that happened. One fine day couple of months ago, I reached I work full-time to still gen. So I work with the Australian federal government. I have two young boys, 7 and 12, and I coach women, and I do come to podcast as guests and other things that I do as a woman. So once one fine day I actually left.

Speaker 2:

I had an argument with my husband early in the morning, which is, I think, very common between husband, wife, partners, etc. So and from then on there was domino effect. So I left home, of course upset, and then I had forgotten my access card. I had forgotten my Mikey pass, so to tap in. Luckily I had my phone so I could tap in and took the train, but I had forgotten my office pass and I can't enter the office if I don't have the pass. So you see the mood I was in. And then I had to work with the reception, get my pass and then finally got it after one, one and a half hour. And then when I went inside for the lunch I realized I forgot my lunch at home.

Speaker 1:

One of those days.

Speaker 2:

Yes, one of those days when it is a domino effect that happens. So my otherwise poor Nima years back would have been like frustrated, agitated, irritated entire day would have gone for a toss, meetings would have gone for a toss. I took 10 minutes to ground myself that's also something women can do, grounding yourself consciously took off my footwear, just had my feet on the office floor whichever floor you are and doesn't matter and then took some deep breath in and calmed myself. And then I told whatever has happened until now has happened from now. What has to happen is the choice I hold.

Speaker 2:

And I turned it completely 360 degrees, to put it in such a way that the rest of the day worked in my favor. And I messaged my husband and I said, with what started as a morning actual discussion or debate between you and me ended up in this way, but I'm going to let everything go, let's enjoy the rest of the day. He just smiled back and said ended up in this way, but I'm going to let everything go, let's enjoy rest of the day. He just smiled back and said let's have lunch together, I'll come and join you at work. And that's how the day went through. So you see how things can fall on a daily basis is what I'm talking for women. The child must have done something, partner must have done something, we might have done something, but then it works as a domino effect and that, when it happens every single day, consistently for years, together will show that medical reports with diabetes, thyroid, pcod, pcos or cancer for that matter.

Speaker 1:

All of that stress, hormones and everything just constantly circulating through your body. These are such great tools. Thank you for sharing everything that you shared here that we can all keep in mind and be doing. What I do is breathwork. I support people with breathwork and what you're saying fits right into that the prayer, the forgiveness prayer. It's meeting yourself conscientiously. Journaling is such a powerful way for so many people. It's like all of these things. There's so much more knowledge about all of these modalities and the work that you do is really, really supporting people. Thank you for showing up and helping people with everything that you are doing. Is there anything that you just really you're like? I just if there's one thing, if there's one thing that I could tell women that would really just sink in with them, with everything that you've learned, with all that you've done, all the people that you've worked with your own journey, what do you really want people to know?

Speaker 2:

If I have to, there are two things that I'll say. One don't be too hard on yourself. There are two things that I'll say. One don't be too hard on yourself. That's first thing. And second, I speak about this in most of the podcasts If there is no health, it does not matter how much of anything else you have, and you don't have to go for costly diets and exercises. The tips that has been shared through the program are more than sufficient for you to understand your root cause, work through it and put yourself in a place where you reflect to your family of who you are, what you do to them and how beautifully they see you as a person, shining bright.

Speaker 1:

So your program that you offer to help somebody connect the dots because you offered some really powerful tools for people to move forward with. What do you recommend? Why do you have a program that helps to walk them through it? Share the benefit of that so that somebody could understand why they would want to work with you.

Speaker 2:

Sure. So again, like I said, we consider we perceive life to be very tough. I agree up to a certain extent. So our program is designed in simple way. When I say our program, it's three of us who work together me and my team members. We work together, so I call it as body, mind, soul alignment. And if you see the way the pillar, the fingers rise. That's how the importance is. So body, mind and soul, right.

Speaker 2:

Most of the times what we do is we think diets are the only reason why we are in a crappy state that we are, or exercises because I'm not exercising. That's why I am. If you have to follow a proper pattern of diet or if you have to exercise, you need to have a stronger why of why you want to do it, and that stronger why would get released from your emotions of how you feel through the day. Women come to us with having no consistency. Consistency is overrated. Consistency can come when there is a stronger why, stronger purpose. Stronger why, stronger purpose can come from how I am feeling through the day, and that's where we go back to again hormones, etc. Right, going back to the three pillars. So body, mind, soul, the three pillars that we follow are we? We provide complete dietary pattern for 87 days.

Speaker 2:

We strongly believe that every person should eat what they have been raised with in their childhood. Yes, if you're gluten intolerant, lactose intolerant, that's fine, but otherwise, if you have enjoyed all the delicacies that your grandparents and parents made through your childhood, there is no reason why you should not be eating that and go on a keto, paleo or some other diet, that which will give you results only at the superficial layer and that which is not sustainable. But if you are following the three pillars of body, mind, soul, you get to eat everything that you have been eating as a child. Second, you get to do things that you love doing. Not everybody loves lifting weights. There are women who love walking in the nature, doing swimming, doing aerobics, doing dancing. Connect with yourself. You will know you. We always say, oh, that was my hobby, make it now happen now. So, second pillar, we talk about emphasizing on what is it that you truly love doing, and I have a coach who works on, who teaches, teaches things to do in 20 minutes at home that which will speed up your metabolism, that which will allow the dopamine to be released, the oxytocin to release, the serotonin to release. So that's the second.

Speaker 2:

The third and the most important pillar is going back to our inner child, the shadow. We work on identifying things that might have happened from childhood. There is generational trauma that we carry that we are not aware it can be passed as the ancestral property that we might have. So we work on identifying generational trauma. We work on identifying the emotions that the individual has gone through from childhood through the modalities I spoke earlier from neurolinguistic patterns, from EGM and from other subconscious rewiring sessions. So, as a result, what women have seen who have worked with me through the three pillars is they have gone off thyroid medication, dropped close to 40 plus pounds in 87 days, gone off diabetes medications, insulin have released lots of emotions and grudge and that they were holding for others, which has helped them in dropping weight from their body.

Speaker 2:

And it's it's not about just 87 days, jen. What I want to women to understand is it's a life skill that we learn. We learn to brush only once for continuous number of months until we know how to do it, how clean we have to do it. Likewise, 87 days is an opportunity for anyone to learn that life skill so they can carry it through their entire life. So it's just like how we learn to brush, how you learn to ride a bike, how you learn to swim. You don't need someone all through your life, but you need someone to be able to coach you during that phase. So every time you fall, there is someone to hold you, to correct you, and then you learn the right way of doing it and walk by yourself.

Speaker 1:

All of this sounds so good. One of the things I have to call out that sounds the most relieving thing that I've ever heard from anybody speaking about the body and losing weight and dieting is that you said you can eat all the things that you loved as a child, and that makes so much freaking sense. It makes so much sense that if you go on a diet that doesn't let you eat any of the things that brought you comfort as a child, you're not supporting your inner child with its own. With the comfort Freaking genius, so powerful, you're creating magic in the world. Thank you so much for doing the work that you're doing. Where can people connect with you and work with you?

Speaker 2:

Sure, so they can connect with me on Instagram. So my Instagram handle goes as it goes, as my name, so I'll spell it out for ease of people's understanding. So it's Purnima, harmon Coach. So it is P-O-R-N-I-M-A and then Harmon. There is no space H-O-R-M-O-N-E-C-O-A-C-H. So Instagram is a place where I'm usually very active. I have a team that works with me and we do a lot of things to support women across the globe. I also have a LinkedIn profile, but I think I'll leave it to the Instagram, because a lot of details, everything is linked over there. My website is linked over there, my LinkedIn is linked over there, so that's a place where women can reach out and then anybody who needs support. You might not know what's bothering you, but if you would allow yourself that 30 minutes to see what is it that's your root cause. I and my team are here to support you.

Speaker 1:

So beautiful, thank you. That's such a generous offer to give that 30 minutes to women and really shows that your heart is so into this and really sharing that with the world. I have one final question I ask every single guest when do you see the magic in the world?

Speaker 2:

The immediate answer that I get is in me. I think that's the answer for everyone of us. The magic lies within us. We look outside always. Is it here? Is it there? I have looked for n number of years I'm 39, Jen, I'll be 40 this August right, For N number of years I have looked. Is this the one? Is that the one? Everything is a temporary gratification. The moment I started to look in myself, the magic is in me and that's what I'm spreading to the world.

Speaker 1:

Such a great message. Thank you so much for coming on and for shining your light in the world.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for this beautiful offer, truly blessed and honored.

Speaker 1:

What a powerful story and so many good reminders of some of the things that I think we intuitively know to care for ourselves. But we look at all of the expectations and what society is telling us in terms of how we need to be living our lives in order to be a good mom, a good wife, a good human, a good coworker, a good business owner, all of the different suits that we wear, that we feel like we have to be living. All these expectations and her message of what really matters is your happiness and your inner child's happiness. Those things that brought you joy as a child are going to bring so much joy to the world, and your health is number one. Stay tuned. For Thursday I'm going to thread some things out of this episode and we're going to talk a little bit deeper. So join me again on Thursday for the Thursday thread and until then, you just keep shining your magical unicorn light for all to see. I'll see you next time. Bye.

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