Untethered with Jen Liss

How to make your affirmations work for you

February 29, 2024 Jen Liss Season 1 Episode 214
How to make your affirmations work for you
Untethered with Jen Liss
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Untethered with Jen Liss
How to make your affirmations work for you
Feb 29, 2024 Season 1 Episode 214
Jen Liss

Can one, single question really change the trajectory of your life?

Yes, I believe it's true, and that the antidote to our ego-based problems is the loving curiosity invoked by the question, "What if...?"

In this episode, we explore the concept that your own curiosity is the medicine you're looking for, shedding light on the ethos of creativity that binds together artists, scientists, and innovators: the power of inquiry. 

I invite you to let go of the ego's craving for certainty and dissect the traditional dichotomy of right and wrong, uncovering how curiosity is the cornerstone of unlocking our full creative and magical potential. 

This is a call to awaken your dormant potential, to stir the very essence of your creative spirit, and to recognize that by igniting this internal flame, the impact transcends beyond the self.

When we foster a mindset that values exploration and questions over ego, the doors to limitless possibilities swing wide open. Tune in to transform your perspective and supercharge your inner brilliance—because it's time we all started asking more questions and caring less about the comfort of being right. 

This is a Thursday Thread episode calling back to Ania Halama's episode on Tuesday, and we end on a moment of breath to call in possibility through the power of inquiry.

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Want to work with me live, in person? I'll be on the island of St. Maarten for the Island Girl Awakening Retreat for a week of transformative fun, adventure, and healing. If you're ready to say a huge heck yes to living your best life, join me at jenliss.com/retreat.

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JenLiss.com | @untetheredjen

Music created and produced by Matt Bollenbach

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Show Notes Transcript

Can one, single question really change the trajectory of your life?

Yes, I believe it's true, and that the antidote to our ego-based problems is the loving curiosity invoked by the question, "What if...?"

In this episode, we explore the concept that your own curiosity is the medicine you're looking for, shedding light on the ethos of creativity that binds together artists, scientists, and innovators: the power of inquiry. 

I invite you to let go of the ego's craving for certainty and dissect the traditional dichotomy of right and wrong, uncovering how curiosity is the cornerstone of unlocking our full creative and magical potential. 

This is a call to awaken your dormant potential, to stir the very essence of your creative spirit, and to recognize that by igniting this internal flame, the impact transcends beyond the self.

When we foster a mindset that values exploration and questions over ego, the doors to limitless possibilities swing wide open. Tune in to transform your perspective and supercharge your inner brilliance—because it's time we all started asking more questions and caring less about the comfort of being right. 

This is a Thursday Thread episode calling back to Ania Halama's episode on Tuesday, and we end on a moment of breath to call in possibility through the power of inquiry.

Support the Show.

Want to work with me live, in person? I'll be on the island of St. Maarten for the Island Girl Awakening Retreat for a week of transformative fun, adventure, and healing. If you're ready to say a huge heck yes to living your best life, join me at jenliss.com/retreat.

Support the pod:

  • Share an episode and tag Jen on IG @untetheredjen
  • Follow/subscribe to get updates of new episodes
  • Leave a review!

JenLiss.com | @untetheredjen

Music created and produced by Matt Bollenbach

Speaker 1:

Hi and welcome to Untethered with Jenless, the podcast that's here to help you break free, be you and unleash your inner brilliance. I'm your host, jen, and in this episode we're going to talk about the one question that can change your entire life. Let's go. Hey, there, it's Jen. Before we kick off this episode, I'm curious have you ever thought about starting your own podcast? Maybe you're one of those people who's dreamed of starting a podcast, but other things in life just keep getting in the way. It is time to make this the year. You finally break through the fear, raise your voice and create the impact that you came here to make. I've put together a program to show you the exact method that has helped me start both of my podcasts in six weeks or less. Seriously, I'll teach you how to move through the entire process with ease, with a high-touch program walking you through the places where people usually get hung up. Believe me, I know I've started podcasts. I've been there. Join Podcast Now a six-week program to launch your dream podcast and start making an impact with your voice and message. We kick it off March 11th, but if you join now, you're going to get an awesome early bird price, getting more than $300 off the course. Go to genliscom.

Speaker 1:

Now let's dive into the episode. Hey there, unicorn, welcome back to the podcast for this Thursday thread. This is an episode calling back to Tuesday's episode with Anya Halama. You don't have to have listened to Anya's episode Awesome. If you did, you can also go back and listen to it after you listen to this episode.

Speaker 1:

I'm pulling out something from the episode that really stood out to me. There were a couple of really cool thematics that came up, one of which we spoke about in depth in that episode, which is you are your own medicine. You are the medicine. Everything is within you. Go back and listen to that episode to really hit home on that message and that you have the sparkly ball of unicorn magical light that is inside of you. Once you tap it, it spreads into ripples. We speak about that pretty in depth in that episode. The other thing that we really talk about that I think is vital. This is so vital. It's really an ethos of creativity. It's an ethos of anybody who does improv, who acts, who is in any kind of creative field.

Speaker 1:

We ask more questions than statements. This is the same in science. We ask questions. Science is all about hypotheses. We forget this, because our ego, mind and really our world in general and the way that we consume information is all about the telling. When we think about school traditionally, I think things are shifting in school. From what I'm hearing from my teacher friends, which is so much fun, when I was in school, it was a lot of telling and not a lot of reflection. It was a lot of hearing the thing to learn and then spitting it back out. That was the process of learning that we experienced and the way that we were learning then processed in and it showed up in the way that we show up in the world.

Speaker 1:

If we look at the world around us, it's very telling based, it's very ego based, it's very right and wrong. I know the right way. What I say is right and we have. I've got so much of this in me All. I have been facing it and coming to terms with it and making friends with it so that it can stand down a little bit, but it's definitely in me too, however, the antidote to that and the antidote to all of our problems that are ego based, all of our problems that have been created by this world where we want to be right and wrong. We want to be good and bad. There's so much morality brought into our everyday decisions that we have cut off possibility because we're trying to be right all the time and what we say and what we do and what we think has cut us off from actual possibility, has cut us off from our actual creativity, from the magic that is possible for us. So how do we access it? We access it through questions, more questions, more and more questions. And I've heard this phrase, ask better questions, and I think that's a great phrase, but it even brings in a little bit of that ego and like then it's like it gets kind of into that doing it right thing.

Speaker 1:

I think anytime that we catch ourselves wanting to do the right thing, we can come back and ask a really simple question. So the question that I think is so, so, so powerful, that is completely life transforming, is what if? And that what if can be qualified with something after the what if. What if I could be a wealthy woman? What if I could move across the world? What if I did decide to have kids? What if I did decide to leave my corporate job? What if I could be an international bestselling author? What if I could make a million dollars this year, what if I could live in that dream house, so we can qualify it with so many things. But if we say to ourselves, I am going to be a millionaire, I am going to be an international bestselling author, we try these affirmations and we say them to ourselves and it just bounces right back off. You don't have the belief in that. Most of the time you might, but it had to have probably started with a what if?

Speaker 1:

Question, because a question creates a situation where the ego has to stand down, because the ego wants to be right, and when you ask it as a question, and especially when you ask it as a what if question, it doesn't even know what to do. It has no answer to that. So you're going to get an answer from your higher self, from your source, from your intuition, when you ask that question. What if? When you open up that door to some new possibility, the ego has to stand down. That part of you opens up a little bit and it's a really, really, really beautiful thing. So this is what I teach to all of my clients is to ask things as a question more often than we say it as a statement Now.

Speaker 1:

Do I do affirmations? Yes, and do I do affirmations in the work that I do with people in a breath work session? Yes, and I'll tell you the difference, for that is that in a breath work session, in particular, what I help people to do is to drop in, to drop the guard of their ego, to come into their intuition, to come into their body, to come closer to connecting to their source, to their glittery ball of magic, to their unicorn self. I help people connect to that more closely and then when we say affirmations from that place, that part of you knows it's true, it's yes, of course. Of course that's possible for you. Of course you can be a millionaire. Of course you can have that house. Of course you can have whatever it is. Of course you can make an impact in other people's lives. Of course you can create that foundation. Of course you could be a podcaster like yeah, the, I'm trying to tell you that that's true, that's why you want to do it. So when you get the ego to stand down but if you haven't done that, then it's just going to bounce right back off because the ego is going to just bat it away like hell, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 1:

But a very simple way without going into a breathwork session, without going into hypnotherapy or doing ayahuasca which is one of the things that Anya does with her clients without doing psilocybin, you can ask a question. When you ask it as a question, it changes everything. So if there's an affirmation that you've been saying, you've been saying it, you've been saying it and you've been, or something that you've been wanting and wanting and wanting and have it had it yet I invite you today to phrase that thing as a what if? Question. Or I'm going to add a second one if the what if doesn't feel good to you, what it's still, it's still with it if. But what might it be like if? What might it be like if I was a podcaster? What might it be like if I did let myself leave this job? Can you feel the difference in saying I need to leave my job, I've got to leave my job, and what if I did let myself leave this job?

Speaker 1:

There's a difference, not just in the way that I said that, but there's a difference in the way those thoughts are presented in your brain. One of the things that I noticed and linguists know this that the way that words sound and feel and actually vibrate in our body impacts the way that we received it. I was texting my husband about something a while back and I meant to say he was asking me if I wanted him to pick up Chipotle for dinner which is always a yes for me and I said that sounds nasty. But I had meant to say that sounds tasty. Do you feel the difference of those two words? Let's just say them Tasty, nasty, tasty, nasty. They feel different in your body. Our thoughts that we have feel in our body, we feel them. They have a visceral feeling, a sensation in your body. You experience the thoughts that you have. We experience the words that we say to one another.

Speaker 1:

You've probably heard this, but they've done studies where people said positive things and they talked to a plant and said positive things and they talked to it and said negative things and the plant that had had positive words said to it it thrived. The plant that had had negative things said to it, nasty words, it started to wilt and to die. Words carry vibration. Your thoughts carry vibration. You're leaving an imprint on yourself, so that's okay if we're having negative thoughts. That's normal. Every single human does. That's just your judge mind making its judgments. That's what it does. It's here to keep you safe and to make sure that that person that's walking down the street isn't carrying a machete. It's just always looking out for you to make sure that person probably isn't carrying a machete and they're probably very kind and you could probably give them a smile instead of a scowl.

Speaker 1:

But those thoughts, we can shift them, and that shift starts with asking a simple question. So I pose it to you to ask yourself today what if? Let's see where it leads you? And, as we do on every Thursday, I'm going to end this episode with a moment of breath, so taking a seat, if you can, if you're driving, please come back to this or do it with your eyes open, otherwise, taking a seat wherever you are and drawing in a deep inhale through the nose and exhaling back out through the mouth. Doing that again big inhale into the nose, filling the belly this time. Exhaling through the nose, nice, long, slow exhale. Now continuing that breath pattern into the nose, filling the belly and exhaling long through the nose, starting to rotate that breath, sensing your feet on the ground, start of the chair or the seat, the couch beneath you, behind you and calling into your mind, into your heart, as you continue to breathe, this question. What if I believed it was possible, breathing in again and out? What if I believed it was possible Letting that question land, breathing it into your heart space, feeling an opening, taking out any tension or resistance, opening up to this question? What if I believed it was possible, breathing that in with a couple more rounds of breath, letting it settle into your heart and ever you're ready, taking in a deep breath into the belly, posing at the top, exhaling completely, feeling back into that support of the ground, reminding yourself that you are supported, feeling this sense of curiosity, of wonder of your own potential, belief in your possibilities.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. It is an honor to get to share this with you and to get this moment to breathe with you. If you enjoyed something in this episode, whether the breath or the message or the questions, I would be happy to share it with a friend or with all your friends. Take a screenshot of this episode on your phone, share it on social media and tag me. I'm Unthedredjen on Instagram. I will always reshare your posts if you tag me. Thanks again for listening. It truly means the world to me. You just keep shining your magical uniform light out there for all to see. I'll see you next time, thank you.

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